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News & Events

    Early years Foundation Planning  - Spring Term


Welcome back!!


We hope you all had a lovely Summer break, the children have been telling us all about their holidays during Circle Time this week!  A very warm welcome to our new starters, Bodie, Zachary, Isabelle, Sienna, George, Harmony, and Charlotte!!


This term our theme is “Healthy Eating" and "All about me”. We will be learning about a variety of different healthy foods and all about ourselves and how we interact with each other . During this topic there will be lots of opportunities for the children to talk about their own interests and ideas. We will be looking at different environments and lots of activities and role play based on our theme!

:Our focus.


Personal Social and emotional


We will be beginning to talk about going to school! Rising 5’s start this term and we will be looking at People who help us, being school ready and becoming independent. We will continue to talk about sharing and turn taking, using the sand timer as well as giving each other personal space. We will be looking at what we are good at, everyone is good at something, we will incorporate this into our ‘superhero’ week.


Communication and language


Concept of big/little and How and why questions.  We will use small world play to encourage social scenarios whereby children can re-enact scenarios with each other, for example new baby/starting school. We will also sing songs with actions and dances, allowing children a chance to mirror and copy adults and each other.




We will look at increasing the control children have over tools and pens, we will do this with weaving, threading, following lines, gripping, snipping and making gross motor movements with pens. We are looking at building muscles for writing, using our shoulders to pull up on a climbing frame, using tweezers to build muscles in fingers. We do this with finger activities, Disco Dough, Write Dance, climbing, Balancing, crawling etc.




In literacy we will continue to look at rhythm and rhyme, whilst also looking at alliteration in words and experimenting the sounds we can make with our voices. We will also continue to practise writing our names, you can support your child by practising their name at home and sharing rhyming stories.  Rhyme and alliteration. Tapping out syllables on our hands and other items, syllables of our names. We will look at the characters in stories, make up stories from the pictures, look at books with no words, create scenarios and move on the story with new characters. Phonics and letter tracing, letter recognition activities.




In mathematics this term will be using positional language and describing objects in terms of their size and length. We will continue to practise recognition and counting to 10 and over. We will also be looking at shapes in our environment and describing the shapes that we see every day2D and 3D shapes. Play games that relate to numbers, hop scotch, snakes & Ladders, target games and skittles. Number songs with actions. Measuring items with hands, tape measures, measure water, ingredients, soil, inside on our Maths Activity Table and also outside on our Mud Kitchen and new large Wooden Balancing Scales. We compare quantities, capacity and volume with activities in our outdoor Water Tables, and activities such as catching ducks with different numbers with nets for number recognition.


Understanding the world


We will be looking at people who help us, during last term,  including our visit to Pizza Express and the visit from a Fire Engine and Fire crew. The children thoroughly enjoyed this educational visit, we had a very interesting talk from Colin the Fireman, explain their specific roles in the Fire Service. Each child got to use the fire hose to spray water around our carpark and then sit in the Fire Engine. We will look at the changes in our environment as we move into the Autumn and winter​ months.


Expressive arts and design


Children will have the opportunity to express themselves in different way, to music, for example dance, movement, paint or drawing. We will make our own superheroes and talk about special powers they may have! Our messy play area will involve potatoes, printing and creating supertatoes! We will be making rain sticks and our own ‘Self Portraits’.


30 Hour Funding for 3 & 4 year olds!

30 Hours Funding for 3 & 4 year Olds!!

We will be trialling the enhanced funding from September 2017. For further information, please speak to Nicci or visit the following websites: Surrey Website or Childcare Works


Sun Safe Agreement


Please provide a sun hat for every session and apply sun cream before each session should we be lucky enough to have am Indan Summer.. Hopefully, everyone has now signed our Suncream permission slip, if not, ask a member of staff.




If you’re going away, UK or abroad, send us a postcard! The children love looking at the different places and it’s fantastic to look back on and remember. Plus it’s great for encouraging mark making and early writing. Address is, Little Barn Pre-school, 25 Bluehouse Lane, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 0AA.


Superhero Week


During the week beginning 8th October 2018 , we will have a superhero theme week! Children are encouraged to come in dressed as a super hero, this could be a well known hero or they could make up their own hero with a cloak and a new name! We want to make children aware of their own super powers, talk about what they are good at, who they are and have a sense of ‘self.’ During this week, we welcome any items which show how special we are (achievements) to share with our friends, this can be something brought in or a picture, we can share. We welcome any super hero, sharing or what makes us special books, which we can share during circle time too.



Pizza Express Visit


We had a super  trip to Pizza Express before the holidays. It was the only date they could do and had a limited number of places, so we are trying to organise another trip this term for the children who did not make it this time.  The children really enjoyed learning all about the different ingredients used to make pizza, then each child made their own individual pizza and showed great enthusiasm and generosity adding their own toppings!!

 We will send out details of a further trip as soon as we know!


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